In order to meet the various needs of our customers, we try to keep checking “what's up” in the area of raw materials.

Recently, we took SWEDBOARD, which is a white cardboard board with a brown honeycomb core, under the magnifying glass. As part of the tests, we prepared a 1.7m high display (the topper is Oppbog's eco board), which we loaded with heavy samples for a period of 1 week.


  •  Despite its light weight, the display is sturdy and stable. The same piece was assembled 3 times!
  • A big plus is the white, smooth printing base + the possibility of double-sided printing. 
  • In the spirit of EKO - this is a paper product, which is not only 100% recyclable, but also has negative CO2 emissions.
  • The board is FSC certified.
  • Also for the food industry - the board material is approved for food contact.

If you are interested in this material, we look forward to contacting you. We will be happy to prepare a project for you based on this raw material.